DI cluster zui term 1 2022
Cluster hui are friendly, low key gatherings for teachers interested in Mantle of the Expert and other Dramatic Inquiry approaches. They are hosted by fellow teachers with experience and passion for DI. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner, clusters are a great opportunity to meet like-minded folk and gain some informal PLD. All welcome…
Usually cluster hui are held face to face but with Covid restrictions this term’s hui are being held over zoom (zui). Cluster leaders have put lots of thought into how to get the most out of this form of connection, and we think you’ll really enjoy the sessions.
For information about cluster zui for term 1 in your region, click here.
Apologies to Waikato colleagues as this post comes a little late – your term one gathering was held today! Please let us know if you’d like to attend the next one and we will make sure you get the information.
Last year saw new clusters opening up in Taranaki, Gisborne and Manawatu, while established groups continue in Northland, Auckland, Waikato. We’d love to start groups in other regions, including the South island colleagues. We are also holding space for a dedicated cluster hui for Māori colleagues. The DI Network Aotearoa Trust has Ministry funding to support these initiatives, so please get in touch if you’d be interested in joining – or running a new group!
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