Exploremore: Mantle of the Expert-inspired story adventures online

Exploremore is a brilliant new initiative from a group in the UK including Tim Taylor. I really recommend checking it out. As the blurb on the ‘exploremore’ site says,
These ideas are a really simple form of learning using stories and adventures, where children become the ‘people’ whose help is needed to solve a problem. The story provides the purpose for the learning and activities are required to help to solve challenges. It doesn’t matter what the age or ability level of your child is as Explore More is designed so they will naturally adapt and learn at their own pace. This means children of different ages can work alongside each other as well.
Tim and co have used simple technology (a slide show and a Padlet) to allow an adult to guide a child, or children through a story adventure. The adult can be involved if they want, but there are large sections where the child can work, create and play independently. Instructions allow participants to have spaces where they make decisions and are in charge of the story, as well as activities where they practice skills and learn across the curriculum.
What I love about this is that it is an online resource that still retains so much of the magic of Mantle of the Expert: there’s artistry; there’s powerful questioning; there’s expert repositioning of children; there’s inquiry; there’s authentic cross curricula learning; there’s adventure; there’s fun; there’s creativity and individuality; there’s embodiment; there’s empathy and critical thinking. At the same time, there’s a sense of escaping into a story, which is just what our children need right now. As one of the parents said on twitter: ‘when the real world is broken, here’s a safe place to go!’
If you visit the exploremore now, you’ll see the first story Troll Hunters is up and available for use free of charge. This is one for younger children. And at the bottom of the page you’ll see examples of some of the awesome things children have been creating and writing. More stories to follow in future for a subscription.
I hope you’ll make good use of the exploremore site. And if, like me, you are inspired to think about planning something of this sort based on a New Zealand context or story, please get in touch. Perhaps we could make something together!?
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