
New calendar feature

You may have noticed a new feature on the Mantle of the Expert website. We now have a calendar of events which can be accessed from the top ribbon on each page.

The calendar will show key events happening around NZ related to Mantle of the Expert and Dramatic Inquiry, including cluster groups, workshops and meetings of the Dramatic Inquiry Trust – many of which are open to any interested members of our community.

The website was set up over ten years ago as a way to facilitate networks and keep teachers around the country in touch – we really hope this new feature will help with this goal by giving a picture of what’s going on around Aotearoa and what you can be part of.

If you have an event to add to the calendar (e.g. a local cluster meeting or an ‘open day’ where colleagues can visit your classroom) please email mantleoftheexpertnz@gmail.com to notify. Include a contact email so people can get in touch.