Hi everyone.
Wow! What a passion and positive energy filled meeting we had last time we met.
Paula shared with us the Mantle she did with her Yr 3/4 class at Maunagatpu in T4 2012 – which we all helped her with at our previous meeting – the room filled with her positivity as she described a Mantle that ran for hours most days throughout the term with engaged and motivated kids that were producing amazing work – she promises a Blog about it soon!
Viv cunningly steered the group in helping three other teachers (groups), planning on upcoming Mantles, to clarify their intentions and how they were to be achieved – all went away with a glow of anticipation.
Our next meeting – 17th May – Mount Intermediate – 4.30pm for a 5pm start – PD from Viv – planning exercise focused on drama for learning and using the conventions – can’t wait!!!
Spread the word!
See you there.